About Me

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Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm new but I'm learning, and if you like my stories god bless ya! I currently live in the united states, and I attend a highschool in my area. I use this blog to releave myself of thoughts, and ideas. Hope you like it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pampered Pooches, and hoarding hobo's

Todays society is messed up with pets. People missunderstand the fact that dogs are man/ womans best friend. A dog is not a human, it is a pet. You may say, "Oh he's part of the family," but really he is just a close companion that gets fed twice a day. Hoarding is also a missunderstood concept. People disagree when they are told they have to many cats dogs, or anything. Just look around though! When its hard to breath from the amounts of urine you'll never get out of your carpet/ wood. When cleaning poop from the floor everywhere in your house is a daily thing, and you feed your pets more of your food than you feed yourself you have to many animals. The best thing to do at that point, no matter how much you thing they love you is to give them a GOOD home.

So to recap, your dog is a animal. So STOP feeding it from the table, and taking longer to cook it's food than to cook yours. Theirs comes in a bag! Stop taking it to be groomed everyday, it's fur is NOT gold, and enough with those dumb purses to carry your dog in. It probobly doesn't like it, and you don't look any more rich than you aren't. Think about it.

Sorry if this upsets anyone, just been thinking about t.v. shows, and what not that makes me want to hurl. Take care of your pet, love it, and care for it, but don't go overboard.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Started the new 2011 school year! It's gonna be great. New school, and new friends to be made. The first actually ful day is tomarrow, but I'm sure that my teachers are going to be great.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

School Shopping

Okay people are officially dumb. Sorry but you just can't fix dumb. Walmart (nothing against walmart, or people who shop there.) this morning I walk down the isle with my mom, and whe grab a stack of notebooks, and we take about ten for me, and for my brother. This woman than comes up behind us, and starts swering at my mom because she took the last notebooks. SHE WASN'T EVEN WITH A KID! Anyways this dude comes over tells the lady to calm down or she's gonna have to leave. Later while checking out. This dude cuts in front of us, and just starts throwing his stuff on the little table thing. I was really mad after that. I mean come on! We had a few freakin' notebooks! Oh well of to school in a few days hopefully this won't be a disaster.
